Taxonomy fact sheet: Galium boreale  L. Accepted name



Kingdom Plantae Browse at kingdom-level
Order Gentiales Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl. Browse at order-level
Family Rubiaceae Juss. Browse at family-level
Genus Galium L. Browse at genus-level
Section Platygalium W. D. J. Koch s.l. Browse at section-level
Species Galium boreale L. Browse at species-level

Binomial synonyms

Aparine borealis  (L.) Hill Secondary name Galium auriense  Pourr. ex Willk. & Lange Secondary name Galium boreale f. hyssopifolium  (Hoffm.) B.Boivin Secondary name Galium boreale f. kamtschaticum  Maxim. Secondary name Galium boreale subsp. hyssopifolium  (Hoffm.) Schübl. & G.Martens Secondary name Galium boreale subsp. linearifolium  (Rydb.) Soják Secondary name Galium boreale var. angustifolium  (Freyn) Cufod. Secondary name Galium boreale var. ciliatum  Nakai Secondary name Galium boreale var. diffusum  (Schrad. ex Link) Rchb. Secondary name Galium boreale var. elatius  Gaudin Secondary name Galium boreale var. glabrum  Spenn. Secondary name Galium boreale var. hirsutum  Serg. Secondary name Galium boreale var. hispidulum  Spenn. Secondary name Galium boreale var. intermedium  DC. Secondary name Galium boreale var. kamtschaticum  (Maxim.) Nakai Secondary name Galium boreale var. koreanum  Nakai Secondary name Galium boreale var. lanceolatum  Nakai Secondary name Galium boreale var. leiocarpum  Meyen Secondary name Galium boreale var. linearifolium  Rydb. Secondary name Galium boreale var. nudum  Klett & Richt. Secondary name Galium boreale var. pseudorubioides  Schur Secondary name Galium boreale var. roseum  N.Coleman Secondary name Galium boreale var. roseum  N. Coleman Secondary name Galium boreale var. scabrum  DC. Secondary name Galium strictum  Torr. Secondary name Galium ussuriense  Pobed. Secondary name Galium utahense  Eastw. Secondary name Rubia borealis  (L.) Baill. Secondary name

Common names

Common name Language
北方拉拉藤 bei fang la la teng Chinese
Northern bedstraw English
Ahomatara Finnish
Gaillet boréal French



Chromosome pairs No chromosome pair counts stored.
Parentage background No parentage background information stored.
Ploidy level No ploidy level information stored.
Species identifier DNA No species identifier DNA information stored.


No known subspecies for this entry in the database.


No distribution maps for this entry in the database.


No macroscopic morphology entries for this entry in the database.


No compound entries for this entry in the database.


Galium boreale
Galium boreale

Color swatches

No dyeing results for this entry in the database.


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